
Master Dissertation: How to write/print

Master Dissertation: How to write/print

The Master Dissertation , your final big project before you can call yourself a true Engineer. But how do you start with this paper? Where can you find interesting sources? How do you refer correctly and how do you make a good literature study? What are frequent mistakes in English? What is the proper academic writing style?

All these questions and much more will be answered during the two part Master Dissertation session. This second session will be given by Leen Pollefliet (Associate lector Communication) and will give you more information about how to write/print.

Writing process - obligatory parts in the dissertation in our faculty - appropriate academic writing style and suitable language structures in English - clear structure - attractive layout. Focus of the lecture is on the form and the language and not on the content, which is the
responsibility of you and the academic supervisor.
To finish the session, a short presentation about how to efficiently print your master dissertation at a copy center will be given.

NOTE: The entire session will be given in English.


Auditorium E
Jozef Plateaustraat 22
9000 Gent