
Business internship: mapping business central's competitive landscape

Here you find the details for the internship named "Business internship: mapping business central's competitive landscape" in the company delaware.

Name: Business internship: mapping business central's competitive landscape
Company: delaware

What do we offer you during an internship at delaware?
- Full ownership of your own project: you are in charge and decide how you tackle the challenge. In the end, you’ll be the expert on your internship topic and our colleagues will be happy to hear your thoughts.
- A lot of learning and dedicated guidance by a team of consultants.
- An innovation project that brings actual value to us or our customers. As an intern, you won’t be running back and forth to the coffee machine.
- Most importantly: a fun work environment with awesome colleagues and ‘koffiekoeken’ on Mondays.

Which topic you can expect:
What verticals/subverticals do they focus on? Of what size order are they? + link to appsource: which apps are usually pushed forward per vertical?

Target profiles:
    In industries:
      Required special knowledge:

      Duration: min 4 weeks (July - August)
      Paid: Nee
      Net wage: -
      Foreign: Nee
      Contact: BeLux recruitment team ()