
Clickshare Innovation (Software)

Here you find the details for the internship named "Clickshare Innovation (Software)" in the company Barco.

Name: Clickshare Innovation (Software)
Company: Barco

Are you a motivated software student with an interest to work on some innovation topics within our Clickshare development team?

Here are some examples of projects and tasks that you can work on:

- Automation testing through Machine Learning
- Applying data science on and visualization of engineering metrics
- DevOps and CI/CD – designing and maintaining tools and build enviroment
- Explore innovation at the borders of the traditional ClickShare domain (presence detection, AI, ML, UX...)

Target profiles:
  • Burgerlijk Ingenieur - Computer Science Engineering
In industries:
  • Technologie
Required special knowledge:

Duration: 3-6 months
Paid: Nee
Net wage: -
Foreign: Nee
Contact: Maxime Gautot (Recruiter)