
Render photorealistic images in 3D - Ray tracing

Here you find the details for the internship named "Render photorealistic images in 3D - Ray tracing" in the company Esko Software BV.

Name: Render photorealistic images in 3D - Ray tracing
Company: Esko Software BV

Esko's product portfolio contains software (Esko Studio) to render photorealistic images of packaging designs in 3D.
We want to evaluate the open-source ray tracer: Cycles, part of the Blender project, as a candidate to replace our existing ray tracing engine in order to improve image quality and render performance.

Tags: C++, Ray tracing, 3D computer graphics, Multi-threading

Target profiles:
  • Burgerlijk Ingenieur - Computer Science Engineering
  • Burgerlijk Ingenieur - Communication and information Technology
  • Burgerlijk Ingenieur - Supply Chain Engineering & Operations Research
In industries:
    Required special knowledge:

    C++, Basic computer graphics concepts

    Duration: 4 - 6 weeks
    Paid: Nee
    Net wage: -
    Foreign: Nee
    Contact: HR Esko (HR)