
Internship Technology Consultancy

Here you find the details for the internship named "Internship Technology Consultancy" in the company KPMG.

Name: Internship Technology Consultancy
Company: KPMG

As an intern at KPMG Technology, you’ll be involved in various projects in one of the following domains:
- Data & Analytics, AI, Automation, etc
- Digital Transformation (SAP / Microsoft Applications, IT strategy, cloud, etc)
- Digital Risk Management (Cyber security, privacy, IT governance, assurance, etc)

Depending on your background and interests we can define your focus areas and responsibilities together.

Brochure: Download
Target profiles:
    In industries:
      Required special knowledge:

      You are a student in computer sciences, industrial engineering, information management, (applied) informatics, (business) IT or an IT/ tech related study or equivalent (major/minor).

      While academic qualifications are important, there are several other main competences we highly value, including:
      - A broad interest in IT and business processes
      - Enthusiasm about working in a project based environment
      - Strong client orientation and being a real team player
      - A natural ambition and high motivation
      - Fluent in Dutch or French and English

      Duration: to be discussed
      Paid: Nee
      Net wage: -
      Foreign: Nee
      Contact: Em Drijkoningen (Senior Campus & Sponsorship Officer)
      Tel: +32 2 708 36 18