
Public perception of Climate change

Here you find the details for the internship named "Public perception of Climate change" in the company Ordina Belgium.

Name: Public perception of Climate change
Company: Ordina Belgium

Unit: VisionWorks (Big Data & Cloud)
Title: Public Perception of Climate Change
Technology: Python, AWS

Context & Concept:

How do we react to extreme weather? How do we cope with it? And what does this say about our perception of climate change?

You will develop AWS-processes to
• Collect tweets reporting about weather, datasets with registered temperatures for previous periods, traffic jam data, storm damage, etc.
• Store and provide the data in such a way that it becomes easy the consult it ad-hoc and visualize it.

You will conduct a sentiment analysis on the Twitter messages, for example with Amazon Comprehend, and based on this you will tell a story about
• How fast do we get used to extreme weather conditions?
• How can we incorporate this in the bigger picture of climate change?

Target profiles:
  • Burgerlijk Ingenieur - Computer Science Engineering
  • Burgerlijk Ingenieur - Communication and information Technology
  • Computer Science
  • Engineering Technology - IT (Industrieel Ingenieur)
In industries:
  • IT
Required special knowledge:

• Candidates should be following an IT-related study. Knowledge of Python is a plus.
• The internship will take place in our offices in Mechelen. Candidates must arrange their own transport
• Candidates can work autonomously without daily guidance

Duration: 6 - 12 weeks
Paid: Nee
Net wage: -
Foreign: Nee
Contact: Angela Gallo (HR)
Tel: +32 15 29 58 58