
Swimtraxx - internship 3

Here you find the details for the internship named "Swimtraxx - internship 3" in the company Swimtraxx.

Name: Swimtraxx - internship 3
Company: Swimtraxx

Swimtraxx is a Belgian sports technology start-up. They have developed Swimtraxx One, an activity tracker for swimmers. The device is mounted onto swimming goggles. It measures many biomechanical parameters in real time as well as heart rate.

The aim of this project is to develop a system which records video of athletes during their workout. The system needs to be able to be controlled in real-time through a wireless interface. The student is free to choose the platform on which the system is developed. Video can be recorded through a built-in camera in e.g. an iPad or through e.g. an IP camera. The system needs to be design so that it can be employed in a high-performance sports environment.

We have projects in Gent, Leuven and Antwerpen.

Target profiles:
  • Burgerlijk Ingenieur - Electromechanical Engineering
  • Burgerlijk Ingenieur - Communication and information Technology
  • Burgerlijk Ingenieur - Electronic Circuits and Systems
  • Burgerlijk Ingenieur - Computer Science Engineering
  • Burgerlijk Ingenieur - Biomedical Engineering
  • Engineering Technology - Electromechanics (Industrieel Ingenieur)
  • Engineering Technology - Electronics (Industrieel Ingenieur)
  • Engineering Technology - Industrial Design (Industrieel Ingenieur)
  • Computer Science
In industries:
  • Elektronica
  • Artificial Intelligence
Required special knowledge:

Duration: 4-8 weeks
Paid: Nee
Net wage: -
Foreign: Nee
Contact: Jeroen Lecoutere ()