
Rust with Ferrocene on Infineon Aurix processor for safety and security

Here you find the details for the internship named "Rust with Ferrocene on Infineon Aurix processor for safety and security" in the company TREMEC.

Name: Rust with Ferrocene on Infineon Aurix processor for safety and security
Company: TREMEC

Tremec is active in the automotive sector on drive line technology. Safety (ISO 26262) and cybersecurity (ISO 21434) are 2 important requirements for each product. Low-level software is traditionally written in C. But because C was not designed for safety and security, a whole process must be followed to get the code safe and secure, for example MISRA-C and CERT-C. But Rust was designed with safety and security in mind, so the process should be much easier with Rust. However, it is not easy to switch a whole company (people + code base) to a new programming language, hence this Proof-of-concept (PoC).

The Rust programming language is interesting for Tremec for several reasons:
- Rust is designed for safety and security
- Ferrocene got the Rust compiler certified for ISO 26262
- Infineon (with HightTec) is working on Rust support for their automotive Aurix MCUs
- Tremec is shifting from ICE to BEV drive trains, and maybe also from C to Rust

Keywords: Automotive, Electrification, programming language, safety, security, embedded, MCU

Goal – Main goal is to make a Rust PoC application on a EDCU development board. Including a unit-test, setup of toolchain, git repository, Jenkins build job.
And as a second step, the Rust code should be compiled together with a legacy C code, to generate 1 binary.
If possible, a part of the existing EDCU C code should be replaced by Rust, compiled with the rest of the C code, and then tested on the electric-motor test setup.
As an extra the OxidOS could be integrated.

Approach – Use EDCU Logic Board with an Infineon Aurix TC378.

Target profiles:
  • Burgerlijk Ingenieur - Electronic Circuits and Systems
  • Burgerlijk Ingenieur - Computer Science Engineering
  • Burgerlijk Ingenieur - Electromechanical Engineering
  • Engineering Technology - IT (Industrieel Ingenieur)
  • Engineering Technology - Electronics (Industrieel Ingenieur)
  • Engineering Technology - Electromechanics (Industrieel Ingenieur)
In industries:
  • Automobiel
  • IT
Required special knowledge:

A strong interest in embedded real-time software development.

Duration: 1 academic year
Paid: Nee
Net wage: -
Foreign: Nee
Contact: Eline Simoens (HR consultant)