
Junior Mechanical Engineer

Here you'll find the details about the job "Junior Mechanical Engineer" in the company Syngenia SA.

Name Junior Mechanical Engineer
Company Syngenia SA

You are involved in ageing management activities for Belgian Nuclear Power Plants, focusing on gathering and analyzing technical data related to mechanical equipment and systems.
You search for technical documentation, data from databases, and inspect equipment on-site to assess its functionality, operational history, and environmental conditions.
You compile and analyze data to identify ageing issues and perform screenings, following a prescribed methodology to ensure equipment longevity.
You are responsible for writing comprehensive reports summarizing your analysis results and providing recommendations for long-term operation.
You check equipment conditions on-site, with the mission being primarily based in Brussels, with occasional travel to the nuclear power plants of Doel or Tihange.

Target profiles:
  • Burgerlijk Ingenieur - Chemical / sustainable materials / textile Engineering
  • Burgerlijk Ingenieur - Electromechanical Engineering
In industries:
  • Metaal
  • Energie
Required special knowledge

You are an engineer in mechanical, electro-mechanical, physics, or chemistry with experience in pressure equipment (e.g., valves, pumps) and material science.
You have working knowledge of French or Dutch, with at least a basic understanding of the other language, and you are proficient in English.
You are methodical, accurate, and rigorous, able to work autonomously while adhering to prescribed procedures and guidelines.
You have the ability to draft technical reports, syntheses, and specifications, effectively summarizing findings and offering actionable recommendations.
You are interested in learning new methodologies related to mechanical technology, materials, degradation, and maintenance principles, and you have some familiarity with nuclear systems.

Foreign Nee