Junior Software Engineers
Here you'll find the details about the job "Junior Software Engineers" in the company MEDIAGENIX.
Name | Junior Software Engineers |
Company | MEDIAGENIX |
Description | You will soon find out that we’re about professional pride: the pride you feel when you see that the networks and rundfunks of this world use the solution you worked on. How we support you |
Brochure: | Download |
Target profiles: |
In industries: | |
Required special knowledge | We expect you to hold a master degree in Information Science or Engineering and/or have proven experience with OO design and development. What does it for us, is your drive for design and development responsibilities. You communicate fluently in English and are a stickler for clean code. |
Foreign | Ja |
Contact |
Tim Neyens (HR Recruiter) Email: tim.neyens@mediagenix.tv Tel: +32 2 467 34 30 |