R&D Software Engineer
Here you'll find the details about the job "R&D Software Engineer" in the company Sigasi.
Name | R&D Software Engineer |
Company | Sigasi |
Description | https://www.sigasi.com/jobs/software_engineer_rd/ We are looking for an R&D Software Engineer to join the core development team that builds and maintains Sigasi Studio, a world-class integrated development environment for digital chip design. Challenges abound Profile What does Sigasi offer you? Contact |
Target profiles: |
In industries: |
Required special knowledge | Experience with these technologies or methodologies is a bonus: Java, Xtend, Eclipse, building compilers (Xtext, ANTLR,…), GUI (SWT, JFace, JavaFX), YourKit … |
Foreign | Nee |
Contact |
Mark Christiaens (Head of Engineering) Email: mark.christiaens@sigasi.com Tel: +32 9 265 71 38 |