
Interactive optimization solver

Here you find the details for the internship named "Interactive optimization solver" in the company ML6.

Name: Interactive optimization solver
Company: ML6

“Where do we as an international company decide to meet-up in order to emit as least CO2 as possible.”

‍Context of the internship

-Many companies nowadays have the culture of gathering all colleagues at least once a year. These companies are often not taking into account the burden these transportations have on our planet.
-Based on the location of each ML6 agent, we want to automatically be able to determine the best spot to meet up, taking into account rules and constraints.
-The goal is to create a demo that works for an arbitrary number of locations we can showcase on our website as well as a blogpost.

What you’ll learn

-How to research and implement state of the art optimization techniques while taking into account latency and constraints.
-How to showcase your work by creating an interactive demo on our website and a blogpost.
-Getting familiar with how a top notch AI consultancy firm operates internally.

Target profiles:
    In industries:
      Required special knowledge:

      Duration: min 6 weeks
      Paid: No
      Net wage: -
      Foreign: No
      Contact: Julie Plusquin (Talent Partner)