

Here you find the details for the internship named "Polybase" in the company AG Insurance.

Name: Polybase
Company: AG Insurance

Polybase is a microsoft solution to query data from both Hadoop & SQL data sources. It allows to access both sources within 1 query, and provides optimizations for the querying of these datasources.

The goal of the study is to evaluate the capabilities of polybase by:
​​Creating a datalake or blobstorage containing the test data
Creating polybase queries on structured and storing data to an SQL DB
Creating polybase queries on structured and non-structured data to combine these information
Evaluate when it is advised to use polybase, and when it could be better to use other utilities

Target profiles:
    In industries:
    • IT
    • Bank & verzekeringen
    Required special knowledge:

    Duration: 4 weeks
    Paid: No
    Net wage: -
    Foreign: No
    Contact: Laura Antonacci (People Development Facilitator IT)