
Paid Internship Democo

Here you find the details for the internship named "Paid Internship Democo" in the company Democo Group.

Name: Paid Internship Democo
Company: Democo Group

Democo offers you the opportunity to gain practical experience at a construction company during three paid discovery days. To help you choose which direction you want to go after you graduate, you can try out various functions within the construction world: at a construction site in progress, in calculation and in the BIM department. You will be guided by an expert and you will also have the chance to get to know our informal atmosphere and our family business culture. And who knows, you might find your dreamjob at Democo!

WHEN? We schedule this internship according to your options, taking into account the agendas of our supervisors.
WHERE? Depending on your preferences, you make a choice between our various locations in Hasselt, Brussels, Antwerp or Ghent.
TERM? You compose your own program by making a choice from the three previous disciplines. Depending on your interests, this paid internship takes one, two or three days.

Target profiles:
  • Burgerlijk Ingenieur - Construction (Civil Engineering)
  • Engineering Technology - Construction (Civil Engineering) (Industrieel Ingenieur)
In industries:
  • Bouw
Required special knowledge:

Duration: One, two of three days
Paid: Yes
Net wage: Student job
Foreign: No