
Software engineer intern

Here you find the details for the internship named "Software engineer intern" in the company MEDIAGENIX.

Name: Software engineer intern

At MEDIAGENIX, our Customer Support Professionals deal with incoming support tickets from our customers. These tickets contain crash reports, which have valuable information about what went wrong. Analyzing these reports allows us to identify frequently occurring errors and domains that are particularly prone to crashes. It could also allow our Customer Support Professionals to solve issues faster by looking at tickets from related issues.
Your Challenge
During this internship (February - June 2020 - flexible), you will further develop a tool that can parse a crash report and give a list of the top 10 most similar crash reports that it has analyzed in the past. This involves several interesting challenges:

Optimize the performance of the similarity calculation to get results instantly.
Build a web app that fits into the workflow of our Customer Support Professionals, and allows them to quickly find related tickets.
Improve the accuracy of the similarity calculation so the results are as relevant as possible.
Deploy the tool on AWS in a way that minimizes hardware costs.

How you build this tool and what technologies you use is up to you. This is a great opportunity to explore state of the art frameworks and tools like Redis, Jupyter Notebooks, Docker, …

MEDIAGENIX cares for its employees and interns and therefor offers a healthy work/life balance.

You grow = We grow! We assure the development of your talents and continuous coaching and support.

Take a look at our website:

Target profiles:
  • Burgerlijk Ingenieur - Computer Science Engineering
  • Burgerlijk Ingenieur - Communication and information Technology
  • Computer Science
In industries:
  • IT
Required special knowledge:

The most important characteristic we look for in interns is a great eagerness to learn and a self-starter mentality. However, some previous experience in scientific computing, machine learning and/or building web apps would be helpful.

You almost finish your master studies (with a focus on software engineering).

Duration: negotiable
Paid: No
Net wage: -
Foreign: Yes
Contact: Charlotte Janssens (HR officer)
Tel: +32 472 85 10 30