
IT Developer

Here you find the details for the internship named "IT Developer" in the company Melexis.

Name: IT Developer
Company: Melexis

Melexis design and test microelectronic devices and for the testing has 4 manufacturing sites with hundreds of test equipment to reject parts not working properly. Each part can be measured multiple times (different temperatures...) and for each test thousands of parameters are measured. Due to historical reasons some data are stored in flat files in proprietary formats, some in sql database, old data get archived. A web service already exists to convert back the flat files to format usable by analysis tools (like excel). However this does not support retrieval from special source like database or archive location. So target of this placement would be to enhance existing tools with such capabilities and also add extra features requested by end users. Selling point: work with real enterprise applications frameworks by getting product that is deployed to 15 servers over 7 countries worldwide. So seeing how an enterprise application works vs. stand-alone program running on single PC typically teached at school. Technologies/Frameworks used (student should have at least skills in java, rest can be explained when starting the placement): java, maven, junit/mockito for unit testing, functional testing with behave, continuous integration/deployment with jenkins, packaging of application with docker.

Target profiles:
    In industries:
    • Elektronica
    • IT
    Required special knowledge:

    Duration: preferably 3 months
    Paid: No
    Net wage: -
    Foreign: No
    Contact: Brecht Blindeman (Recruitment Specialist)