

Here you find the details for the internship named "TEXTILE RESEARCH" in the company Picanol.

Company: Picanol

Picanol’s highly dynamic weaving machines process textile yarns into woven fabric. The yarns, the weaving process itself and the fabric have a stochastic nature. An in-depth understanding of the weaving process is necessary in order to determine the requirements for the machine and to find optimal settings to produce the highest quality fabric. Work in this research field aims at measuring and observing the weaving process and its parameters with two main purposes: obtaining a better understanding and evaluating the textile performance of the loom.

Your task:
You will assist or perform weaving tests. You will then interpret data from such tests and monitor a proper setup for the experiments.

Target profiles:
  • Engineering Technology - IT (Industrieel Ingenieur)
In industries:
  • Technologie
  • Metaal
  • Elektronica
Required special knowledge:

Skills and Tools:

- Interest in the weaving process.
Skills in textile technology and/or data processing.
- Measurement systems to perform measurements on yarns and machine components.
- Data processing tools, both offline and online – Matlab.

Duration: Flexible - Depending on student
Paid: No
Net wage: -
Foreign: No
Contact: Thomas Verschuere (Recruitment Specialist)
Tel: +32 57 22 21 11