
Hacking an embedded device

Here you find the details for the internship named "Hacking an embedded device" in the company Psicontrol.

Name: Hacking an embedded device
Company: Psicontrol

What is the best way of learning about the security of embedded devices? The answer: try to hack one!

Place yourself in the mind of a hacker and try to break into one of the many electronic products designed and produced at Psicontrol. After investigating the attack possibilities, you will analyze the security of an existing Psicontrol embedded controller by trying to break it. This can be done by finding threats or vulnerabilities that could break confidentiality, integrity, or the availability of the device.

Your task
- Learn about hacking methods and tools.
- Identify possible attack surfaces of the embedded device.
- Build an actual attack.
- Think about possible countermeasures that could have prevented your attack.

For more information, visit

Target profiles:
    In industries:
    • Technologie
    • Elektronica
    Required special knowledge:

    Duration: Flexible - Depending on student
    Paid: No
    Net wage: -
    Foreign: No
    Contact: Thomas Verschuere (Recruitment Specialist)