
What can RUST mean for MCU-based industrial applications?

Here you find the details for the internship named "What can RUST mean for MCU-based industrial applications?" in the company Psicontrol.

Name: What can RUST mean for MCU-based industrial applications?
Company: Psicontrol

C has been well-known as the language of embedded software for a number of decades. Higher-level languages have emerged in the past few years, such as RUST. In this connection, what tools are needed to use RUST, how does its development flow work, and what is the effort required to have a complex application running? Alongside these questions, we want to verify the performance of the language, the impact on the processing time, and the current consumption of the embedded device.

Your task
- Setup a RUST development environment for an existing board.
- Write a benchmarking application in C and in RUST.
- Capitalize on the benchmark results.
- Reach conclusions on the benefits and downsides of RUST against C.

For more information, visit

Target profiles:
    In industries:
      Required special knowledge:

      Duration: Flexible - Depending on student
      Paid: No
      Net wage: -
      Foreign: No
      Contact: Thomas Verschuere (Recruitment Specialist)