
Trackside Signalling System Engineer

Here you'll find the details about the job "Trackside Signalling System Engineer" in the company Alstom Belgium.

Name Trackside Signalling System Engineer
Company Alstom Belgium

Alstom develops standard solutions to address main signalling functions: train movements in safety, train speed control…
Equipments which support these solutions are implemented along the track, in control centres and in the trains.
The standard solutions could be adapted and must be customized to address specific requirements of our customers.
The role of the Signalling System Engineer is to specify and design the system and sub-systems for his/her project based on the Alstom standard solutions in accordance with the customer requirements.

For the projects he will be assigned to, the Signalling System Engineer contributes to:
- the analysis of the contractual customer requirements;
- the specification of system and sub-systems;
- the study of the system architecture and the choice of the solution based on the Alstom standard solutions;
- the design and detailed design activities such as the calculation of the implementation of the equipments along the track in function of the braking curve of the train, the design of the cubicle to place in the train;
- the writing of the conception documents (specification, architecture, interface specification, parameter preparation rules, detailed design documents) in accordance with Alstom engineering processes;
- the first integration and test of the solution.

He/She works in collaboration with Test and Safety teams: as the signalling systems are safety related specific safety analysis are performed and specific formal engineering processes must be followed.

He/She could be in interface with external stakeholders: customers, partners, suppliers.
Then he/she could manage the suppliers: specification, follow-up and test of the supplier work.

Target profiles:
  • Engineering Technology - Electronics (Industrieel Ingenieur)
In industries:
  • Transport
Required special knowledge

• Good autonomy;
• Excellent communication and inter-relational skills;
• Pen-mindedness;
• Will to understand and learn more;
• Rigorous;
• Analytical and synthetic turn of mind;
• Intercultural mind;
• Team player;
• Process and result oriented.

Foreign No
Contact Laura Grillo (Training & Recruitment support officer)