
Junior Management Consultant (start september 2023)

Here you'll find the details about the job "Junior Management Consultant (start september 2023)" in the company BDO Belgium BV.

Name Junior Management Consultant (start september 2023)
Company BDO Belgium BV

A day in the life of a consultant at BDO:

You arrive at work at your client’s office, where you’ll spend most of your time. Greeting your temporary colleagues with a smile and a warm hello, you look at your agenda and see that the analysis you’ve been working on is due today. Putting the finishing touches on it, you take the time to help one of your colleagues with that excel problem. A meeting and a lunch break later, you get an email from the BDO Strategy & Transformation office manager reminding you of the upcoming BDO Strategy & Transformation team event. During your afternoon workshop facilitation where you dazzle the client with your insightful remarks, you make a mental note that you must call one of the partners about the improvement opportunity you just discovered for your client. After driving home at a reasonable hour in your company car, you still have the time to go do some sports, have dinner with the family, and go out for drinks with friends where you discuss your interesting day at work.

Apply now and convince our Recruitment team that you’ve got what it takes!
If they agree, you’ll be asked over for an interview, some brainy tests, and a meet-and-greet with one of our partners.
Impress them and you’re in!

See you soon, future colleague.

Target profiles:
  • Burgerlijk Ingenieur - Electromechanical Engineering
  • Burgerlijk Ingenieur - Chemical / sustainable materials / textile Engineering
  • Burgerlijk Ingenieur - Communication and information Technology
  • Burgerlijk Ingenieur - Computer Science Engineering
  • Burgerlijk Ingenieur - Supply Chain Engineering & Operations Research
  • Engineering Technology - Electromechanics (Industrieel Ingenieur)
  • Engineering Technology - IT (Industrieel Ingenieur)
In industries:
  • Technologie
  • Consultancy
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Consulting
  • Accountancy
  • Consumer goods
  • Supply Chain
Required special knowledge

Je profiel

This job could be the one you're looking for if you would describe yourself as follows:
You’re not good at sitting still
You’re allergic to inefficiencies
You’re looking for fast-paced missions in a diverse range of industries (Social Services, Banking, Insurance, Telecom, Healthcare,…) across Flanders, Brussels and -every once in a while- Wallonia.
You don’t need Google when someone asks you to optimize a process
You can explain an improvement approach to your client without using a single buzzword
Your personal motto is “learning by doing”
You want to be more than a number in a faceless organization
You have a spidey-sense when it comes to identifying your clients’ (future) challenges
You have a master's degree (or make up for it by equivalent work experience)
Vous spreekt les twee landslangues (and obviously English because you can read this)
Ons aanbod
Are we everything you’re looking for and vice versa?

Link om te registeren :

Foreign No
Contact Emma Lynn Teirlinck (Campus Recruiter)