
Proximus Graduate Program

Here you'll find the details about the job "Proximus Graduate Program" in the company Proximus.

Name Proximus Graduate Program
Company Proximus

you speak the (digital) language of the future. Become a Proximus Graduate!
Launch your career together with other promising young professionals. Think in terms of opportunities at the largest ICT employer in Belgium.

Work on various challenging projects in a technology company from the outset (with decision-making authority in Belgium)
Help launch new services and products in an agile environment
Get end-to-end responsibility/high visibility with the Proximus Leadership Team
Refuel expertise in various domains
Learn from experienced specialists in the sector
Build a strong network by joining our Graduate Community

Brochure: Download
Target profiles:
  • Burgerlijk Ingenieur - Communication and information Technology
  • Engineering Technology - IT (Industrieel Ingenieur)
In industries:
  • Telecom
Required special knowledge


Foreign No
Contact Fabrice Drukman (Strategic Talent Acquisition Manager)
Tel: +32 2 202 65 76