
Young Graduates Track

Here you'll find the details about the job "Young Graduates Track" in the company Luminus.

Name Young Graduates Track
Company Luminus

Luminus is looking for the next generation of climate changers : Generation Zero.
A group of ambitious young talents, all striving for the same goal.

Join our two-year traineeship. Discover different domains of the energy sector, find out what energizes you and contribute actively to a CO2 neutral energy future and the energy transition.

• As one of our 10 young graduates you choose your projects and complete 3 different missions of 8 months in various departments. You learn, grow & build a large network.
• As one of our 2 young IT talents you experience 3 different assignments of 8 months within product services, development, digital collaboration, cybersecurity, etc.. Meanwhile, you broaden your skill set.
• As one of our 4 young TECH talents you complete 3 different missions of 4 months. Find yourself on top of one of our wind turbines and discover the ins and outs of our thermal and hydro plants.

Do you want to have real impact and make a difference for todays and future generations?
Then join the Luminus Generation Zero!

Apply via

Brochure: Download
Target profiles:
    In industries:
    • Energie
    Required special knowledge


    Foreign No
    Contact Cindy Claes (HR Officer)
    Tel: +32 471 72 57 13