
UGANDA.2104 - Junior Expert in Climate Responsive Infrastructure & Maintenance (Enabel)

Here you'll find the details about the job "UGANDA.2104 - Junior Expert in Climate Responsive Infrastructure & Maintenance (Enabel)" in the company Junior Programme_Enabel.

Name UGANDA.2104 - Junior Expert in Climate Responsive Infrastructure & Maintenance (Enabel)
Company Junior Programme_Enabel

The Junior Programme aims to contribute to the development of a new generation of young people who, following their Junior Expert experience, will commit to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). During their field experience, the focus is on developing competences, innovation, contact with the local reality and networking. This way, our Junior Experts can professionally contribute to the project/programme to which they are assigned; and at the same time, they acquire the necessary competences and expertise to actively contribute to the SDGs.

The Junior Experts work at least 1 and at most 2 years in a project of Enabel or of one of the Non-governmental Actors (NGA) that are affiliated with the Junior Programme.

The Programme Junior only accepts young people aged 30 at most, who are European nationals, who have a master’s or professional bachelor’s degree and who master French or Dutch (the selection takes place in French or Dutch).

The objective of the project is improving secondary teacher education in the National Teachers’ Colleges in Uganda. Therefore, it works in coordination with the Teachers and Instructors Training and Education (TIET) Department of the Ministry of Education and Sports. The direct project beneficiaries are the 5 public National Teachers’ Colleges (NTC - Mubende, Kabale, Kaliro, Unyama and Muni) and 21 partner secondary schools surrounding the NTCs.

TTE-project activities are grouped in 3 main result areas:

1. Institutional Development: Strengthened NTCs’ management competencies (human resources, planning, finances…)

2. Infrastructure: Renovated and new teaching and learning facilities

3. Pedagogy: Strengthened use of active pedagogies and of ICT in teaching and learning in the NTCs and a selection of surrounding partner secondary schools

Particular attention goes to the 3 cross-cutting areas of Digitalisation, Gender and Climate Change. These axes are included in the activities that want to improve the teacher training institutions digital readiness to a hybrid education system, while ensuring a gender responsive and environment friendly teaching and learning environment.

Together with the project team, and local partners (TIET, Construction Management Unit from Ministry of Education), the Junior Expert will have an active role in mainstreaming climate responsive infrastructure in Uganda.

The project includes an important component on infrastructure for 2 of the National Teachers’ Colleges (Kabale and Mubende). This extension will also allow to pilot and document innovative practices.

Ben je geïnteresseerd?

Solliciteer online van 30 maart 12.00 u (plaatselijke tijd Brussel) tot 13 april 2021 om 12.00 u (plaatselijke tijd Brussel), indien je beantwoordt aan de toelatingsvoorwaarden en aan de specifieke criteria van de functie(s) die je interesseert of interesseren.

Link naar de vacature :

Target profiles:
  • Burgerlijk Ingenieur - Construction (Civil Engineering)
  • Burgerlijk Ingenieur - Architecture
In industries:
  • Overheid
Required special knowledge

Required training/degree (eliminatory on CV):
* Master or Professional Bachelor’s Degree Civil/Industrial Engineer/Architect

Required professional experience (internships included / eliminatory on CV): * Professional experience in maintenance of assets (buildings, eguipment, min. 3 months)
* Professional experience in colimate responsive design, sustainable infrastructure (min. 3 months)

Preferred assets (not eliminatory on CV):
* Experience with public institutions
* Knowledge in change management and capacity buidling
* Pro-activity
* Patience, cooperation and collaboration skills
* Ability to produce communication materials

Language skills:
* English: working language

Foreign Yes
Contact Vieron Anne-Elisabeth (Briefing & Selection Collaborator)
Tel: +32 2 505 37 52