
Junior Software Engineers

Here you'll find the details about the job "Junior Software Engineers" in the company MEDIAGENIX.

Name Junior Software Engineers

You will soon find out that we’re about professional pride: the pride you feel when you see that the networks and rundfunks of this world use the solution you worked on.
You will soon find out that we’re about professional pride: the pride you feel when you see that the MTVs, Disneys and Red Bulls of this world use the solution you worked on; the pride in the craftsmanship you can keep working on, because very knowledgeable colleagues support you and share their knowledge as they also share that unquenchable thirst for continuous improvement.
You join us in our search for new, inspired software solutions that meet new needs of the fast-paced media world. As this requires an equally dynamic working environment, you can steer your own tasks and planning within the team:
– working in projects geared at end results tailored to the needs of the customer
– working with analysts to translate customer needs into a creative software solution
– writing clean code (Smalltalk)
– automating development tasks that are repetitious

How we support you
Graduates and starting software engineers soon make their way here, thanks to the training and mentorship programme.
We provide intensive on-the-job- training, permanent coaching and education. You have a say, and enjoy freedom and responsibilities in the company and your function. As we also attach great importance to a sound work-life balance, you get extra days off, flexitime, and every opportunity to take part in recreational activities with colleagues, in-house or elsewhere. Groot-Bijgaarden is where you will be working most of the time, but you can also make use of our satellite offices near Ghent, Mechelen and Leuven. Count on a comprehensive remuneration package.

Brochure: Download
Target profiles:
  • Burgerlijk Ingenieur - Computer Science Engineering
  • Engineering Technology - IT (Industrieel Ingenieur)
In industries:
    Required special knowledge

    We expect you to hold a master degree in Information Science or Engineering and/or have proven experience with OO design and development. What does it for us, is your drive for design and development responsibilities. You communicate fluently in English and are a stickler for clean code.

    Foreign Yes
    Contact Tim Neyens (HR Recruiter)
    Tel: +32 2 467 34 30