
Junior Consultant Java

Here you'll find the details about the job "Junior Consultant Java" in the company Nexios IT.

Name Junior Consultant Java
Company Nexios IT

Your role will be to join, support or lead our existing project teams and assist them in transforming the project into a technical success by producing the required end result for the client.
Based on your Career Development Path, your wishes, your interests and your level of expertise, you can take part in a project from A to Z, meaning from the Blueprint / Audit level to the implementation of the proposed solution.

Target profiles:
  • Burgerlijk Ingenieur - Communication and information Technology
In industries:
  • Consultancy
  • IT
  • Consulting
Required special knowledge

• You are graduated as a Bachelor of Master in IT or an associated field.
• You have a first experience in Java and you're hungry of digging more into Spring (Boot) frameworks and related Java tools?
• You like variety and would like to gain experience in several projects within leading, innovative companies.
• As a face of Nexios IT at the customer, you help to strengthen the relationship with the customer.
• You are passionate about technology and follow the latest trends.
• Clean coding and other best practices of professional software craftmanship is part of your daily job routine and you look for pairs and mentors who think the same and who share their experience with you.
• You see yourself as a future architect, scrum master, analyst or expert developer.
• You speak Dutch and/or French and you can express yourself fluently in English.

What We Offer

• A challenging and dissimilar job with sufficient growth opportunities.
• A personal career plan and transparent training program that is discussed on a regular basis with our talent manager.
• A full-option payroll package, including hip, premium company car (Mercedes).

Foreign No
Contact Thomas Plumanns (Recruitment & Talent Manager)
Tel: +32 2 270 47 33