
Dredge Superintendent

Here you'll find the details about the job "Dredge Superintendent" in the company National Marine Dredging Company.

Name Dredge Superintendent
Company National Marine Dredging Company

• To supervise and guide the activities related to the dredger. Teach, advice and guide the crew on daily base to increase their level of understanding of the dredging activities onboard in order to achieve a higher quality, safety, technical reliability, production and operational hours.

Brochure: Download
Target profiles:
    In industries:
      Required special knowledge

      • Diploma or Degree or equivalent professional qualification and experience;
      • STCW code; Basic and Manilla amendments;
      • Hold valid statutory license issued by flag authority for specific on board job;
      • Be Familiar with SMS (safety management system).
      • Risk Assessment / PTW

      Foreign No
      Contact Ioannis Fragkias (HR Team Leader, HR)
      Tel: +971 56 417 3345