
Solution Architect

Here you'll find the details about the job "Solution Architect" in the company Waylay.

Name Solution Architect
Company Waylay

* You are part of the Waylay services team
* Work with customers to determine their needs and requirements.
* Understand customer use cases and translate them into a technical architecture and solution
* Use Waylay’s platform to develop, test and deliver solutions for our customers.
* Develop business logic using Waylay’s rules engine.
* Document the solutions and potentially deliver training.
* Regular travel to customers both in Belgium and abroad.

Target profiles:
  • Burgerlijk Ingenieur - Computer Science Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Engineering Technology - IT (Industrieel Ingenieur)
In industries:
  • IT
Required special knowledge

* You enjoy the mix of technical work and interacting with customers.
* Your writing skills allow you to prepare technical deliverables for customers.
* You have good presentation skills
* You are fluent in English.
* You are familiar with RESTful API integrations.
* Experience in defining overall API architecture, API implementations, integration and deployment
* You are familiar with cloud technologies
* You are familiar with different IoT protocol stacks (MQTT, COAP, AMQP, ...) and different LPWAN technologies (Sigfox, LoRA, NB-IoT)
* You are fluent in the basics of HTML/HTML5 and javascript.
* You have experience with, or are excited to become familiar with nodejs, python, big data, react
* You source control with Git.

Foreign No