Infoavond masterproef schrijven

The master’s dissertation, which is imperative to all of you, is beyond doubt the icing on the cake of your engineering study.

The topics that will be dealt with are:
- the writing process,
- the obligatory parts in the dissertation in our faculty,
- the appropriate academic writing style and suitable language structures,
- a clear structure and
- an attractive layout.

The focus of the lecture is on the form and the language and not on the content, which is the responsibility of you and the academic supervisor. Your dissertation certainly will be more readable and more qualitative if you bear the hints and tips in mind that will be given during the lecture on Thursday 29th September from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm in auditorium D (Plateau) .

do 29/09/2016 19:00
do 29/09/2016 21:00
Auditorium D
Jozef Plateaustraat 22
9000 Gent
leden: 0,0
niet-leden: None